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Category: Divorce lawyer

Tips for Negotiating a Custody Battle

Tips for Negotiating a Custody Battle

If you’re going through a divorce, and you have children, one of the areas you and your former spouse will have to navigate is child custody. To protect your legal rights, you should find an experienced divorce attorney. Attorneys will present both sides’ cases to the judge and ensure the best solution for the children. When determining custody, the court will investigate who the primary parent in a marriage is. To better understand the primary parent’s meaning, most courts determine…

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How A Westchester Divorce Lawyer Can Provide Assistance

How A Westchester Divorce Lawyer Can Provide Assistance

The divorce rate in the United States is still alarmingly high and therefore there are plenty of lawyers to assist people during these tough times. Since there are an abundance of lawyers, it is crucial that you perform your research to find one that will give you the best chances at a fair settlement. Anyone in need of divorce lawyers in White Plains is encouraged to find someone with a wealth of experience and positive success rates in the past…

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Finding Competent New York Divorce Attorneys

Finding Competent New York Divorce Attorneys

When you are seeking a divorce, there are many steps between you and being single. You and your spouse should get divorce attorneys so that you each have someone to represent you in the divorce. Your dissolution of marriage lawyer will be able to answer all of your divorce questions and tell you about the next steps in the process. Even if you want a divorce after one month of marriage or a divorce after a year, you need proper…

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