How Can I Avoid the Expense of Going to Court?

You should have listened to your boss. When you came back from work after a lunch six months ago, you told your boss about the accident that happened as you walked into your favorite restaurant. You ended up with a broken arm because you had tripped on a broken floor tile. The restaurant management send you to the hospital and promised to pay for all of the expenses. How could you have known that all these months later you would still be battling with the insurance company to pay for hospital and physical therapy bills? Your boss told you that he thought you should find a way to settle before it goes to court, but you did not listen. Now, it looks lie you may have no other option, but seeking legal representation.
Legal advice insurance could have immediately offered you the same advice your boss gave. Prepaid legal insurance companies work a little bit like health insurance. The premiums that you pay do not necessarily cover every legal fee that you will encounter, but they do provide immediate covered access to a team of lawyers who have your best interest in mind.
Rather than being like nearly half of Americans who admitted to a Harris Poll survey that they search internet websites to find legal representation when they need it, you can already have an attorney you know and trust to call when you need advice. More alarming, the same percentage of people say that they sometimes rely on the comments that consumers post on legal websites for advice.
Very often, meeting with an attorney about a case before it goes to court is a more effective way than finding an unknown attorney who wants nothing more than to charge you for his expenses during a lengthy court schedule of filings and postponements. Think of all of the times when seeking legal advice about a situation before it goes to court would be both helpful and wise:
- Having someone available to look over real estate papers, rental leases, and other official documents.
- Getting questions answered about what to put in a will and how often it should be updated.
- Finding out what you can do about front yard property damage that was caused by a privately owned snow plow.
- Asking questions of a trusted divorce attorney when your daughter decides that she needs to leave her husband.
- Understanding how to recover damages from a fence that was broken and a utility that was disconnected by city maintenance crews.
- Deciding what to do when your 22 year old son calls to say he has just been ticketed for driving under the influence (DUI).
The news that your son is one of the 1.4 million people a year charged with DUI and other legal situations may seem less alarming if you already know who to call, and have already established a professional relationship with that person.