Here’s What Can Happen When You Don’t Hire a Legal Representative

Although some people may choose to represent themselves in court, this idea can prove disastrous for those who don’t have knowledge of the legal system. In fact, not having an attorney could wind up costing you a settlement or prolonging a legal battle, so you wind up paying far more than you would have if you’d just hired a lawyer instead.
So when do you need a legal representative? You may need a lawyer…
… If you go bankrupt.
Have you been considering filing bankruptcy? Each year, more than one million people file for personal bankruptcy, which includes Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases, and for business bankruptcy, which is typically Chapter 11 and sometimes also Chapter 7. Where Chapters 11 and 13 allow you to reorganize your debt and pay it back, Chapter 7 is a complete liquidation of a person’s or business’s unsecured debts. If you don’t have a bankruptcy attorney working with you, you could wind up choosing the wrong filing. Working with an attorney may also expedite the process, and you can learn about how to build your credit score back up when it’s over.
… If you are injured.
Each year, more than two million people are injured in auto accidents. Millions more are hurt in slip and fall accidents, many of which occur while on the job. Whether you need a personal injury attorney after a car accident or when you go to file a worker’s compensation claim, you’ll need a lawyer on your side. This will help you navigate the legal system more easily and get the settlement you deserve.
… If your disability claim was denied.
If you’ve faced a long-term illness or injury, you may find that you need to hire lawyers for Social Security disability claims. While it’s important to have a legal representative with you the first time you file a claim, you may need one afterwards if your claim is denied. Because it’s not uncommon for people applying for disability to have to appeal the original denial, having a lawyer on your side can bring you peace of mind.
Do you need to hire a legal representative? Make sure to give one a call, and leave any general comments below.