A Galveston Child Custody Attorney Makes Sure Your Child Goes Home With You

Divorce is commonplace in America today. According to a study conducted by Bowling Green State University, in the last 20 years the rate of divorce among partners over 50 has doubled. This can often be a messy, highly emotionally charged process in which much debate occurs over which parent will receive custody over any children the couple have had together.
A Galveston child custody attorney will help pick up the legal pieces of the divorce and relinquish the custody of the child to the parent who will provide the best environment for the development and happiness of the child. That is, after all is said and done, what truly matters. Interestingly enough, as a Galveston child custody attorney once told me, Ronald Reagan is the only US president to have gone through a divorce.
Reagan being the only president to have gone through this, however, is no indication of what rings true for the American people. You are not alone in your divorce, or your need of a Galveston divorce attorney. Statistically speaking, Western states hold the highest rates of marriage and divorce. Following the West is the South, while Northeastern states have the lowest marriage and divorce rates. Us Galvestoners are pegged with two of those criteria, so it is not uncommon to hear a local discussing their Galveston divorce lawyer, or Galveston child custody lawyer.
US statistics say that if one partner in a marriage smokes, the marriage is 75 percent more likely to find itself in divorce. A Galveston child custody attorney will be there to advise clients not to smoke, as such activities could have an effect on the judges decision. This is only one example of why a Galveston child custody attorney is necessary in a custody battle. It is virtually impossible (unless one is a Galveston child custody attorney themselves) to win a custody case without an attorney.
It has been proven that marriages are more likely to endure more time when a couple marries at an older age, have a higher education and earn a higher income. Unfortunately, love does not wait for a time that is statistically convenient, and we often fall head over heels and are eager to express how much we love our partner. Divorce is an unavoidable reality for many couples, an unavoidable reality that a Galveston child custody attorney can help sort out.
19 thoughts on “A Galveston Child Custody Attorney Makes Sure Your Child Goes Home With You”
People are so dumb. Just study your states child custody law and represent yourself. Save yourself the ridiculous bill!
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?
Who has time to do that? Wait, let me rephrase, what single mother or father has time to do that and work and raise a kid?