What to Know About Workers Compensation The Basics

No matter your job or employer, state laws require every occupation to come with workers compensation insurance. This is meant to protect you in case you get hurt on the job, so you will not be financially destitute for something that is not your fault. However, these laws change, so here are some common details of workers compensation that is basically the same nationwide.
1. Benefits will always be provided in case of an injury.
If the job injury was sustained in an accidental incident, each worker is entitled to basic statutory benefits from their employer.
2. The benefits include wages lost, medical benefits including paying for medical bills and any expenses related to death if the injury is serious.
Typically, employers cover anywhere from one-third to two-thirds of the weekly wage of the employee if they are hurt.
3. However, the amount of coverage is defined by law.
This usually has to do with whether you are a full time employee, or a contracted employee.
4. You will need a workers comp attorney if the case is being disputed.
You will always want to invest in an employment attorney or a disability insurance attorney if your case is being disputed. There is always a chance your employer will argue against your case, and you will want to be able to obtain the correct settlement to help cover any losses you faced. You will also want someone to help you with the disability applications and to lead you on the path to social security advocacy services, so a workers comp attorney is a must for any case.
5. Employers are unable to sue you if you claim workers compensation.
This is meant to protect you, as you will under law be protected from unlawful unemployment.
6. You can still sue a third party.
If a third party individual was partly at fault for your injury, you are able to sue them for benefits as well. You are not limited to suing only one person.
7. The system is run by a state agency.
You will not be going through your employer, but rather a third party state agency. This is beneficial in that your dispute will be handled by someone who is not involved in the case.