These Criminals Made Big Mistakes!

When you run into trouble with the law, chances are it’s pretty cut and dry. (Speeding tickets and whatnot.) But some people get themselves into a little more trouble than most accident and injury lawyers can handle! Check out these crazy “criminals” at work, and make sure you don’t make the same strange mistakes!
Wait, I’ll get detention! – After robbing a Rhode Island house, two teenage boys thought they were set to escape without a hitch. That is, until one of them got home and realized he’d left his homework at the scene of the crime. Hopefully he forgot to put his name on it.
Who nose what could happen? – When an Alabama burglar was caught trying to burgle, he and the owner of the house got into a little bit of a spat. If a “spat” is the term you’d use for biting off a piece of the burglar’s nose. (Take that!) The injured criminal fled, but the police used the chunk of his nose to track him down. (Does that qualify him for a personal injury lawyer? Hurt on the job…?)
Say my name! – A Scarborough man held up a local store by wearing a motorcycle helmet as a disguise. The only problem is that his name was printed across the front of the helmet in large letters. Sounds like this is the kind of guy who’ll need a drunk driving attorney and a bike accident lawyer, because his judgement is crazy impaired.
We’re out! Er, in! – A pair of California teens were on the run from the police after breaking into a car, and they just barely evaded capture by hopping a fence. Little did they know that they’d climbed right over the surrounding fence for San Quentin prison. Sick burn, kids. (Maybe look into getting a couple burn injury lawyers.)
Don’t be as stupid as these criminals! Prepare yourself for what life can throw at you. Accident and injury lawyers are ready to help you prepare for the worst.